Friday, October 13, 2017

A New Dawn On The Mountains

Sometimes, a trip away is all you need.

Transitioning into this new life, new view has been more difficult than I ever imagined. For 21 and 19 years, I was "Mom, where is my folder? Will you tie my shoes? Mom? Mom. Mooooom." 

And I am still and will forever be mom, but having all of my butterflies flying away has been...interesting.

So, for a friend's birthday, I ran away to the Blue Ridge Mountains.

My husband and I had few opportunities to get away while the kids were growing up. We took lots of trips to visit family because I felt that was most important. Ok, and my husband's family trips are amazing! 

However, this is the first trip that just we two went on. Adults adulting with other adults.

I laughed until my belly hurt. I caught up with old and dear friends. I even got to see a gravity conveyor in action.

It's the little things.

Most of all, I got to spend time alone with the man I have been waiting to come home for good from sea for twenty years.

I think I'm going to like this new life. 

While I watch my butterflies soar on their own, maybe I could fly a little as well.


  1. Fly, Mama, fly!! It's great to adult with other adults and laugh and have fun! It's great to be a mom, but it's always great to reconnect as well!

  2. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I have four kids under the age of 7. I can’t imagi life with out little ones running around our house��

    1. I never thought I would be able to, either but here I am. I miss the hustle and bustle but am definitely enjoying the quiet!

  3. I am so glad you had a great getaway!

  4. As a new mother, a two year old and baby due in October, I am no where near ready to imagine them leaving home. I am tearfully happy that you've had such a wonderful experience. I think as women, we are almost conditioned to think that the Empty Nest Syndrome is mandatory. Here's to many more great adventures for you!

    1. Well, thank you <3 Yeah, I was so scared of the empty nest thing but it's actually not that bad. They still call me almost every single day so I haven't had too much of a chance to miss them, lol!
