Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Freedom Of Freelance

I don't know if I've mentioned it, but I thoroughly enjoy what I do. I have been writing since I learned how to and there isn't anything else in this world that I would rather do. 

I am living my best life every single day, these days.

Not to say that it has been easy. I have always had the ability to stubbornly take the long way down the wrong path on a few occasions. It's something that I have learned to watch out for as I've grown older. 

The ability to be able to work anywhere, whenever I want, and write about whatever I want always had the most appeal to me. I never thought that I would ever be a published author, but now I am. I never thought I would go back to blogging, yet here I am writing and writing and writing and loving every second of it!

Freelance may not work for everyone, but it certainly works for me!

While I have the writing down, sometimes I am not so good with design. I like to think that I am, but luckily I know my limits.

To the freelance designers I fly!

I found an excellent freelance design service through! AskLorem is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and instantly connects you to a developer whether it is 3 in the morning or 3 in the afternoon. This especially works for me because I am often plagued with insomnia. There have been more than a few times that I have been up late, late at night and decided to just get up and work since I obviously wasn't going to sleep. I would note the questions I had to ask someone the next day, only to finally collapse with exhaustion and miss the best time to contact them!

Insomnia always wins.

With AskLorem, I can immediately chat with a designer and get a quote for the work I am looking for, whether it be website design, theme design, site growth, or help with an ecommerce shop! All of these are right at my fingertips at any time of the day. The prices aren't bad either, and with my code Influencer10 that I am able to share with you for an extra 10% off, it's definitely in my budget! 

Now, that I have finally found a way to do what I love by being a freelancer, I try to use other freelancers as often as possible. It can be tough. It can be competitive. But, it's worth it. 

So very, very worth it. 

Are you living your best life today?


  1. One of my coworkers is a freelance writer for their local newspaper in her hometown and she absolutely loves it!

    1. It's definitely the perfect job for me! My schedule is a bit...different, lol

  2. I would love to be a freelance writer, especially seeing as I’m home with kids. How do you source your freelancer work?.

    1. There's a few sites you can use: Fiverr and Upwork (although I would be careful with that one, I've had bad experiences), LinkedIn has lots of opportunities. There's a great list of places here: (Google is your friend, too) Or, sometimes someone will reach out and snatch me up, lol

  3. Living freelance is definitely something I would love to do, but I am still a little unsure of exactly what job title I want to have. I am doing a Professional Writing and Publishing course, so it would be amazing if I could get a freelance job from that once I graduate!

    1. You can become a Freelance Writer (that's your job title) any time you want! Look up and you can start today. That's where I started my freelance journey :)

  4. Nice post! I have never heard of that site before, I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the coupon code as well.

    1. You're welcome :) I know it will definitely come in handy for me!
