Monday, August 19, 2019

Debt Consolidation With Keel Associates Can Reduce Debt And Raise Your Credit Score

Debt is a part of pretty much everyone's life. Whether it be a financed car, home, boat, credit cards, or all of the above, we all have some debt. It's easy to get over your head with debt but luckily, there are solutions!

While many folks turn to bankruptcy, that's not always the best option as it stays on your credit file for seven years. If you have already found yourself in a hole that seems irreversible, bankruptcy is not your best option. As succinctly states:

Filing for Bankruptcy Doesn’t Help Your Credit at All 

"When you file for bankruptcy you’re giving your credit the death penalty. The bankruptcy and all of the accounts included in the bankruptcy will appear on your credit report for the next 7 years. Even a few years down the road creditors will see you as high risk. You’ll have a hard time getting new lines of credit, or loans for many years. Most people understand this, however they’re told they have no other options and that they have to file bankruptcy if they can’t pay their debts. False! 

Your credit will recover faster if you don’t file bankruptcy

 If you do not file for bankruptcy and just ignore the collection agencies, the credit damage you suffer will actually be less than filing for bankruptcy. Unpaid delinquent accounts are just as bad for your score as delinquent accounts that are included in a bankruptcy are. In fact, accounts included in bankruptcy are far worse than a regular unpaid collection. You may think that $50,000 worth of collection debt is what is hurting your score and by filing bankruptcy that unpaid debt will go from $50,000 to 0. It’s true the balances will show a zero balance, however unpaid collection debt is not included in the credit scoring algorithm. It’s the 15 collection accounts that are hurting your score, the number of collection accounts is what impacts your score, not the balances. This is why paying collections does NOT improve your credit score." 

 How Can Keel Associates Help Me?

Keel Associates provides low interest rate debt consolidation loans. They break down all of your debt and work closely with you to help find solutions and the best rate to accomplish your goal of lowering your debt thereby raising your credit score. They combine all of your debts so you can make one monthly payment to pay off all debt, sometimes lower than all of the payments you are making individually. They are committed to providing their best services and encourage you to meet your goals. It truly is the better option in paying off your debt and the extra help you receive from Keel Associates will get you right back on track! It's so simple and affordable, it's almost impossible not to try!

Have you ever tried debt consolidation? What was your result? I'd love to hear your story in the comments below!


  1. Thank you for the useful information.

  2. I'm always looking for ways to squish down debt, thanks for sharing!

  3. Looks like a good way to get a handle on your finances!

  4. This is really great information for anyone considering bankruptcy. Another options is always useful.

  5. Actually, debt consolidation is really the most effective way of dealing with debt and it's always nice to work with someone who can help you with this. Thanks for the info.

  6. Nice tips. Though I hope not many would go to this point as having credits still has more cons than pros.

  7. I agree - bankruptcy should be an absolute last resort! Consolidate is a good option for high interest rates or if you have too many payments that you're struggling to meet them all each month.

  8. Ouch bankruptcy and debt consolidation! Absolutely brutal but what can ya do!

  9. I am very thankful that I've always been very careful with this type of thing so I currently and haven't been in debt. These are all great tips though!

  10. I can imagine it can be a hard decision to go on the personal bankruptcy way. It's always so much better when you can get help with your debts.

  11. Good informative post on how to control your debts and minimize them. Well I have never encountered such an issue but would be always careful about it.

  12. Everything needs a planning. If not we may end up in mess. I liked the way you have gathered useful points to control debt and credit score.

  13. Thanks for sharing such useful tips to reduce debts. You have so many great points here. Love it..

  14. I am glad to come across keel associates and thank you for the tips. Going to share with my father.

  15. I haven't heard of this before but that is quite useful. Thanks for the tip and important points.

  16. This is great. I haven't heard of this before but def glad I know now.

  17. I think it's scary how many view bankruptcy as a safety net.

  18. I've heard of these kinds of agencies. I hope they work for you as some agencies are nasty and harassing.

  19. This is great way to help people on how to proper use credit accounts and for me bankruptcy is scariest thing :(

  20. Taking care of pending debt is essential to everyone. This is very useful information.

  21. This is really interesting! Sent it to my boyfriend :)

  22. This is so useful information. It's good to be up to date with all the debts x


  23. Knock on the debts. Sounds like a great service

  24. I really need to look into this because I do have a lot of debt.

  25. Thanks for this useful information. Sometimes filing a bankrupcy is the only way especially for bigger business.

  26. I haven't heard of debt consolidation but I'll agree with you that filling for bankruptcy only worsens your credit score. I wouldn't advise anyone to!

  27. Debt consolidation sounds like an excellent option for those with a lot of debt!
