Friday, March 6, 2020

College Homework Help At Your Fingertips

The greatest invention in modern times has been the internet. The most valuable asset we have is information and the internet has made it easy to access any information at any time. For someone like me who very much does wonder how light refracts, when National Donut Day is, where the closest store is to me, or where I can find that video that the baby likes, it is a lifesaver! Instead of running around to the library and other places to find out all of the information I want to know, I can just check my phone and off I go!

It has been very interesting to see how much easier college is for my daughter than it was for me, just because of how easy it is to access information in 2020. My favorite thing I have found that I wanted to share with you guys is

I wish was around when I went to college. Not only can you get your class notes, textbook notes, and study guides, you can get instant help with your homework with the SolvIt App! You just find your school in the school list and then you can find any notes or study guides that you may need!

Not only can you get help at, you can give help as well! You can sign up as a Note Taker for and earn up to $470 per course! You can pass your classes and buy something to celebrate! 

It is another win-win for the internet! Now, pardon me, I must find out why bustles were a trend and then find out how to make the cutest cake for my granddaughter's first birthday! 

How has the internet changed your life?


  1. I agree: internet gives a lot of space to get the needed information making education easier so can learn more and/or deeper

  2. OneClass looks like a very powerful tool! Students who uses it must be doing much better than students not using it

  3. So lucky they have something like this. I definitely wish this existed 20 years ago.

  4. Chelsea Sauve - WandureMarch 7, 2020 at 11:53 AM

    So informative - thank you! And hope that cake turned out beautifully!

  5. Love all the gifs! I wish I had this much information available to me when I was in college. :{

  6. I went to College 20 years ago and things have changed so much.

  7. It sounds OneClass is great tool for students. I'm sure all students would love this :)

  8. I wish they had this around when I went to college as well. Oh, and I wish I knew about those teacher rating sites. That would have made a difference too.
